Enroll Now

To enroll at Market Square Education, please fill out the application form below. (Don’t complete for ALE or Open Doors)

Do not enroll on a phone or tablet – please use a computer.

Student's Name(Required)
Application must be completed on a computer. A phone will not work. Do not complete this if you are enrolling in our ALE or Open Doors program.
  • Complete the Application in one sitting.
  • UNIQUE emails for the student and parent are REQUIRED.
  • Don’t use the student’s school email address – many of them have blocks that don’t allow the set up email to come through.
  • The School year starts in September and ends in August. Summer registration: students are the same grade level. The new grade level doesn’t start until September.
  • After you pay – both parent and student should check their email. You will receive an email from mailsender@geniussis.com with your login information. The link is only good for one hour. Check in your spam and junk folders if the email isn’t in your inbox.
Please initial that you have read the previous statement and agree to the terms
  • Log into your Genius account. Scroll to Request a Course
  • Request the day or day before you are ready to begin.
  • Do not request both semesters of a year-long course at the same time. Your second semester will be denied.
  • If you are not sure what course or type of course you need, navigate to the links below for an explanation of the difference.
    – Determine Course – skip if known.
    – Determine Type of Credit– skip if known.
  • Courses are approved weekdays at 8am and 4pm on the enrollment date chosen. Log into your Genius to check for approval and to make the payment.
  • Please note we charge an annual non-refundable $50 administrative fee. The fee is added based on the month of your initial enrollment.
  • Once payment is received you will receive the welcome letter and can get started
Please initial that you have read the previous statement and agree to the terms
  • We have a 100% refund for the price of the course within the first 5 business days.
  • Between days 6 and 10, a 75% refund for the price of the course is available.
  • No refund is available after 10 business days.
  • Please note the $50 application fee is non-refundable.
Please initial that you have read the previous statement and agree to the terms
  • Students are held responsible for following all of the directions included in the welcome letter
  • Students agree to complete all of their own work.
Please initial that you have read the previous statement and agree to the terms
Clear Signature