Districts and Partners

Market Square Education (MSE) has a history of partnering with districts across Washington State. Some partnerships utilize our resources by expanding course offerings caused by master calendar conflicts, lack of subject endorsed teachers or budgetary limitations. MSE’s leadership brings decades of in-state experience as superintendents, principals, and teachers of Gen Ed and alternative learning programs. We’ve experienced first-hand the challenges districts face. Now more than ever, all districts are faced with unforeseeable situations due to changes brought on by COVID-19.

Market Square Education’s offerings are well suited to the guidelines from OSPI to address distance learning for districts.

The driving principle at Market Square Education is to provide solutions for students regardless of their circumstances. At a fundamental level, that means that we meet a student where they are. We work with homeschoolers, Gen Ed students, drop-outs, high-risk students dealing with substance abuse, the juvenile justice system or homelessness, and highly successful students needing to augment their learning. We partner with parents, court liaisons, social workers, counselors, schools and districts to support students.

Market Square Education has seen the value of creating a network of support for students to provide an effective learning plan. Frequently, alternative learning paths are the most adaptive and productive approach. MSE offers a robust ALE/OD program as a part of our services. We also partner with districts to support or manage their ALE/OD programs or PPP to optimize the support they can provide for their local students.

Market Square Education is committed to providing students an education that offers choice, 360-degree support, and the tools to direct their future successfully. If your district is feeling the pinch of budget cuts, a shortage of endorsed teachers, under-utilized alternative learning programs, or a limitation in course offerings, MSE would like to partner with you to find the solutions best suited to your students. Give us a call.

We’d love to be a part of the solution for your district.