Course Catalog
As a Washington State OSPI approved online provider, MSE offers a wide range of asynchronous online courses.
Credit Recovery is only for students who have previously failed the course. All credit recovery courses are 9 weeks in length and cost $229 per semester.
Select your search criteria and click on search to narrow down your available classes. To clear your previous search criteria, click on the reset button. Note: the reset button only appears after you have clicked on one of the radio buttons.
Business English A/B
Business English is designed to strengthen students’ ability to read and write in the workplace. Writing for business purposes is a main focus of the course. Students will learn how to communicate effectively through email and instant messaging, as well as format specific types of business messages and workplace documents.The role of digital media, visuals, and graphics in workplace communication will be explored. The importance of professionalism, ethics, and other positive skills are also emphasized in the course. Additionally, guidance is provided to help students through the process of searching, applying, and interviewing for a job.