Course Catalog
As a Washington State OSPI approved online provider, MSE offers a wide range of asynchronous online courses.
Credit Recovery is only for students who have previously failed the course. All credit recovery courses are 9 weeks in length and cost $229 per semester.
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Math 7 A/B
Math 7 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to develop computational fluency, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply mathematical practices. Throughout the course, students gain a deep understanding of proportions and their use in solving problems. They extend their fluency with operations on rational numbers and translate among different forms of rational numbers. Algebra topics include simplifying and rewriting algebraic expressions and solving more complex equations and inequalities. Students also sketch geometric figures and explore scale drawings, investigate circle properties and angle relationships, and deepen their understanding of area, volume, and surface area. They see how statistics uses sample data to make predictions about populations and compare data from different data sets. Students gain a fundamental understanding of probability and explore different ways to find or estimate probabilities.
The two-semester course is arranged in themed units, each with three to five lessons. Each lesson includes avariety of activities such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative andsummative assessments.