Parent Resources

Parents play an important role in a child’s success. Particularly parents of our elementary students, being the go-to person at home, means a lot more of the responsibility is on them. Market Square Education wants to match the commitment and dedication parents have for their children’s academic success.
On this page, you will find resources of all types. Think of this page a little like a Wiki site. As online learning is new for most elementary students and families, we’re all learning together. If you find a pacing guide, a assignment organizer, a motivational system, or schedule that works well for your family – please share.
Below are three simple tips from a school from home mom of 19 years and a pre-service teacher who also happens to be one of our MSE team members. These will be especially helpful for parents of elementary students.
- Trust your gut. You many have been told you don’t know enough to lead your student’s education; it’s not true. Intuitively you know your children best. Trust that and build their strengths.
- Awaken joy. Don’t be so nailed down to curriculum that you become its servant, it’s there to serve your educational goals not vice versa. A practical pacing tip is to use the pages or lessons, divide by number of days left in the semester to determine how many to do a day.
- What makes your kids tick? Communicating with your kids and finding out what “currency” matters to them can help you set goals together and work toward achieving them. It may be as easy as earning screen time, or as involved as going out for an experience. Using motivators like these can be particularly helpful for things your child finds difficult or frustrating. These goals and rewards systems will be most effective when a goal is decided along with how you define achievement. Those are measurable goals that helps students focus on the target.
Never underestimate the power of internal motivation by finding ways to use what your child already loves learning about as they take on new or tough skills and content areas.